
Part 2

Several years went by after my initial video experience. I got married, had several kids, finished college with a bachelors in "Pacific Island Studies" from BYU-Hawaii. Woo Whoo! I discovered that path takes you in a couple of basic directions- 1) teaching, being in school all day was not in my plan. 2) research, yeah, like I wanted to watch stuff and write papers. None of this was for me. So I decided to try something else.

I went to my uncles Bob's in Idaho and worked in his businesses for a few months. He had several businesses going on simultaneously. One was a gold processing company. It was great, I helped organize the processing plant and was able to pull rich minerals from the ore we started with. The other business was a trust system for wealth and retirement. Through it I met many great people and I believe I helped many. The only problem with working for my uncle was I wasn't getting paid. I don't even know if he was getting paid. All I knew was I was providing for my family and my uncles too. It was tough to see so much potential and not be able to capitalize on it.

After some discussion I decided it was time to move on. I had an opportunity to work In Georgia with another uncle and aunt. My uncle was in the building industry and my aunt promised me work if I came out. So I packed up the family and left. It is sufficient to say that life in Georgia was short lived. With Renee 8 months pregnant we returned to Southern California to rest and recoup.

It was here that I fell in love with TV/ Video production. It was the year 2000. How did I get started? You will see in the next post.

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