
Starting the journey

In the beginning.......

Wow, how did it all start? I'm not sure, but I will piece it together as best I can. I started in video when I was about 21. That was back in 1991. It was with my father. I didn't understand the passion at the time, but I have a better understanding now. I was not very impressed in those early ages. VHS video recorders were still new and TV production never entered my brain.

My father had a 2 and 1/2 camera set up. (Now ask yourself... how cam you have a 2 1/2 camera set up? Well one of the cameras had a video mixer built right into it, and we had a small wide shot camera to attach to it. We did wipes and fades on the fly on one camera.) The second camera was standard VHS. He would shoot and go home and edit on 2 VHS machines. How archaic! But that is what we did.

Well to get to the point, being unimpressed I went about life and never thought about it again. So how did I get into video and television production? That is all about the wife.

I am getting tired. I better head off to bed so I can be ready to edit a TV show tomorrow.

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